Color Apps

Лучшие сервисы для работы с цветом


Alphredo — Alpha colors generator
Alphredo generates translucent colors looking the same as their opaque counterparts when placed against the same background.
ColPat : Color Palette & Design Tool
ColPat is the ultimate color palette generator with awesome tools. ColPat’s AI, user-friendly interface, and customization options make it easy to find the perfect colors. Unleash your creativity and elevate your designs with ColPat!
Color Designer - Simple Color Palette Generator
The main purpose of this tool is to help with building a color palette and generate tints and shades based on it. Just pick a color, and the app does the rest. You can use the preselected colors or the color picker for more control.

Частично бесплатные

Atmos - Everything you need to create color palettes
Use professional tools to find colors, generate uniform shades and create your palette in minutes.
Color Schemer - Create Beautiful Palettes from One Color
The hardest thing in design might just be choosing colors. Color Schemer will make your life easier by helping you discover and create matching color combinations.

Color Combinations

Лучшие сервисы для подбора сочетания цветов


Two Color Combinations
Two color combination palettes
Cheeky Palettes - your colour palette inspiration in the context of a website
Add your custom colours or use some of our preselected colour palette inspiration to see how colours will look like in the context of a real website
Color Leap - History’s Palettes
Search through 180 Color Palettes used throughout the last 4000 years.


Supa Palette
Easily create harmonious, accessible-first palettes and save countless hours getting colours for your design system.

Color Picker

Приложения и расширения для выбора цвета


Бесплатное расширение для браузера, позволяющее выбирать цвета и использовать цветовые палитры
Pika • Super High Fives
An open-source colour picker app for macOS
Приложение пипетка для MacOS с открытым исходным кодом


Sip Color for Mac
A better Color Picker for your Mac.
Одна из лучших программ для подбора цвета, которая позволяет собирать, организовывать, редактировать и обмениваться цветами на Mac OS